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Fonseca, L. & Gonçalves, T. (2013). Following our dreams: Entrepreneurship Education in Preschool and in Pre-Service Teacher Education. In Carlos Sousa Reis, Pedro Tadeu and Teresa Paiva (Coordinators), Proceedings Book of the Conference on Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (ENTENP 2013), (pp. 173-178). Guarda: IPG.

Fonseca, L., Gonçalves, T., Barbosa, G., Barbosa, A., Peixoto, A., Trabulo, F. & Dias, N. (2014). Educar para empreender. Uma Experiência no Alto-Minho com crianças dos 3 aos 12 anos. Critérios, 13, 34-57

IPVC (2013).  Entrepreneurial  Programme for 3-12 year old children. In Entrepreneurship Education: A guide for educators, (pp. 38-39). Brussels: European Commission.

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